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Laughing Gas – Nitrous Oxide Sedation for Dental Treatment 

The Dental Design Center Pattaya offers mild sedation dentistry (nitrous oxide or laughing gas sedation) to reduce dental anxiety and dental fear during treatment.

We are committed to providing patients with safe and effective use of anesthesia for dental investigation and treatment (Local anesthesia and mild sedation). We are a sole dental clinic in Pattaya that provide Nitrous Oxide sedation for our patients.

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a blend of nitrous oxide and oxygen administered through a small mask placed over the nose. This colorless and odorless gas offers a safe and efficient method for managing pain and reducing dental anxiety to some degree during dental procedures. Patients are typically instructed to breathe normally, and the effects of the gas are usually felt within minutes. Importantly, the effects dissipate quickly by simply breathing pure oxygen through a mask once the dental treatment is completed.


Laughing gas, scientifically known as nitrous oxide (N2O), works by affecting the central nervous system and altering the perception of pain and anxiety. When inhaled, it enters the bloodstream through the lungs and travels to the brain.

Nitrous oxide primarily acts as an anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing agent) and an analgesic (pain-relieving agent). It interacts with receptors in the brain, including gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which modulate neurotransmitter activity.

The exact mechanism of nitrous oxide’s action is not fully understood, but it’s believed to enhance the activity of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety. Additionally, it may inhibit the activity of NMDA receptors, which are involved in the transmission of pain signals, thereby reducing the perception of pain.

Overall, laughing gas induces a state of mild sedation and euphoria, helping patients feel more relaxed and less sensitive to discomfort during dental procedures. It’s known for its rapid onset of action and quick recovery, making it a popular choice for patients undergoing various dental treatments.


Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide (N2O), offers several benefits and has various uses, particularly in the field of dentistry:

  • Anxiety Reduction One of the primary benefits of laughing gas is its ability to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation in patients undergoing dental procedures. This makes it an invaluable tool for managing dental phobia and anxiety, allowing patients to receive necessary treatments more comfortably.
  • Pain Management Nitrous oxide acts as a mild analgesic, helping to alleviate pain and discomfort during dental procedures. While it may not completely eliminate pain, it can significantly reduce the perception of pain, making procedures more tolerable for patients.
  • Rapid Onset and Offset Laughing gas has a rapid onset of action, typically taking effect within minutes of inhalation. Similarly, its effects wear off quickly once administration is stopped, allowing patients to recover and resume normal activities shortly after the procedure.
  • Adjustable Dosage Nitrous oxide administration can be easily adjusted by the dentist to suit the individual needs of each patient. This flexibility allows for personalized treatment and ensures optimal comfort and safety during procedures.
  • Minimal Side Effects When used appropriately by trained professionals, laughing gas is considered safe and generally well-tolerated by patients. It has minimal side effects and a low risk of complications, making it suitable for a wide range of individuals, including children and elderly patients.
  • Enhanced Cooperation Laughing gas can improve patient cooperation and compliance during dental treatments, particularly in individuals who may have difficulty sitting still or remaining calm during procedures.
  •  Versatility Nitrous oxide can be used alone or in combination with other anesthesia techniques to achieve the desired level of sedation and pain control. 
  • It can complement local anesthesia injections or oral sedatives, providing a comprehensive approach to pain and anxiety management in dentistry.

Overall, laughing gas is a valuable tool for dentists to enhance patient comfort, reduce anxiety, and manage pain during various dental procedures. Its safety, effectiveness, and versatility make it a popular choice for both patients and dental professionals alike. At The Dental Design Center, patients can rest assured knowing that every step involving the use of nitrous oxide is under the expert care of experienced dentists who have undergone specialized training in its administration. With this level of expertise, patients need not worry during their treatment.


The effects of laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, can vary from person to person, but typically include:

  • Feelings of euphoria and happiness
  • Light-headedness
  • Giggling or laughter
  • Relaxation and calmness
  • Reduced anxiety and fear

These effects occur because nitrous oxide acts as a central nervous system depressant, slowing down brain activity. It’s important to note that while nitrous oxide can induce a state of mild sedation and euphoria, it usually doesn’t cause loss of consciousness. Additionally, some individuals may experience sensations of heaviness in their limbs or tingling.

Overall, the effects of laughing gas contribute to its effectiveness in dentistry for alleviating pain and anxiety during dental procedures. At The Dental Design Center, we have utilized this approach with anxious patients and consistently received positive feedback, ensuring smooth treatment experiences.

Side effects

Side effects from depressants like nitrous oxide may include:

  • Headaches and nausea
  • Feeling agitated or experiencing vomiting after the laughing gas is discontinued

Fortunately, only around 5% of patients encounter these side effects. Additionally, there are typically no long-term side effects associated with nitrous oxide use.


Laughing gas may not be recommended for everyone, particularly for individuals who:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or compromised airways/breathing
  • Have methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency
  • Are undergoing bleomycin sulfate treatment
  • Experience severe emotional disturbances or have drug-related dependencies
  • Demonstrate a lack of cooperation
  • Have pulmonary hypertension
  • Are experiencing respiratory tract infections
  • Have recently experienced middle ear disturbances or undergone ear surgery

Nitrous oxide sedation may be well-suited for:

  • Fearful and anxious patients
  • Certain special needs patients
  • Patients whose gag reflex interferes with dental care
  • Cooperative children undergoing lengthy dental procedures

At The Dental Design Center, patients will only receive nitrous oxide treatment after being assessed by a specialized dentist. Contact Dental Design Center Pattaya for more information.