Is Teeth Grinding Harmful? How Much Does It Affect Teeth and Mouth?

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Is Teeth Grinding Harmful? How Much Does It Affect Teeth and Mouth?

Many people who are experiencing teeth grinding are wondering what causes it and how to treat it.

  • Teeth grinding can directly affect oral health. It can cause pain and fatigue in the jaw, teeth to crack, chip, and break, teeth to become shorter and thinner, and the jaw to become larger.
  • There are a number of ways to treat teeth grinding, including stress management, muscle relaxants, Botox injections, various types of orthodontics, and night guards.

Teeth grinding may seem like a small problem, but it can have a number of effects. Many people who are experiencing this problem want to find a solution to treat it and prevent themselves from grinding their teeth at night. Today, Dental Design Pattaya will share methods for treating and preventing teeth grinding, as well as how to observe how to know if you have teeth grinding.

What is Sleep Bruxism?

If you wake up in the morning and feel a strange pain in your teeth, and you experience this symptom every morning, it is likely that you are suffering from sleep bruxism. Sleep bruxism is a condition in which the body automatically clenches, grinds, or gnashes the teeth. It can occur at any time, but it is most common during sleep.

Most people who grind their teeth at night also have other sleep disorders, such as snoring or sleep apnea. Mild sleep bruxism may not require treatment, but if you start grinding your teeth frequently and forcefully, it is important to seek treatment to prevent the condition from worsening.

What are the causes of sleep bruxism?

  • Stress: Stress is a major cause of sleep bruxism. When the body is stressed, it releases the hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which can cause blood pressure to rise and muscles to tense, leading to sleep bruxism.
  • Stimulants: Stimulants, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or consuming caffeine before bed, can worsen sleep bruxism.
  • Personality: People who are aggressive, irritable, or have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to grind their teeth at night.
  • Age: It is normal for children to grind their teeth at night, but the condition usually improves as they get older or enter adolescence.
  • Medication: Some medications can have side effects that affect the brain and mind, increasing the risk of sleep bruxism. This includes antidepressants, for example.
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How to know if you have sleep bruxism?

  • Get a sleep test: A sleep test is a medical procedure that measures your brain waves, heart rate, breathing, and muscle activity while you sleep. It can be used to diagnose sleep bruxism.
  • Check for pain in your jaw: If you wake up with pain in your jaw, it could be a sign of sleep bruxism.
  • Check for tooth sensitivity: Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods or drinks could also be a sign of sleep bruxism.
  • Use a bruxism checker: A bruxism checker is a device that you wear on your teeth that helps to detect sleep bruxism.

What are the effects of sleep bruxism?

  • Jaw pain and fatigue: Sleep bruxism can cause pain and fatigue in the jaw, which can make it difficult to chew and open your mouth.
  • Cracked, chipped, or broken teeth: Sleep bruxism can cause teeth to crack, chip, or break.
  • Shortened and thinned teeth: Sleep bruxism can cause teeth to shorten and thin, which can lead to tooth sensitivity.
  • Increased jaw size: Sleep bruxism can cause the jaw to become larger.

How many types of sleep bruxism treatments are there?


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  • Training yourself to position your mouth and jaw correctly. Work with your dentist to determine the right bite and jaw position for you, and then gradually adjust your behavior to match your dentist’s recommendations
  • Managing your own stress. Everyone has different ways to relieve stress. Once you know that you grind your teeth at night, try finding relaxing activities to do before bed, such as exercise, meditation, listening to music, or reading a good book

2. Medication

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  • Using muscle relaxants. In the beginning, dentists often prescribe muscle relaxants to patients with mild sleep bruxism. Give them to patients before bed to relieve symptoms, but only for a short period of time.
  • Botox injections are a treatment for sleep bruxism. For patients with severe sleep bruxism who have not responded to other treatments, Botox injections can help relieve symptoms.

3.Dental treatment

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  • Orthodontic treatment can help to address the underlying causes of sleep bruxism, such as improper tooth alignment.
  • Other dental procedures, such as tooth whitening or crowns, can help repair teeth that have been damaged by grinding teeth at night.
  • Using night guards or mouthguards, which are designed to protect your teeth from damage caused by excessive grinding or clenching. They must be worn while sleeping.

How to prevent sleep bruxism?

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  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco before bed. These substances can interfere with sleep and make sleep bruxism more likely.
  • Find healthy ways to relax before bed. Exercise, meditation, or yoga can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Avoid biting on objects. This can damage your teeth and make sleep bruxism more likely.
  • Establish good sleep habits. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, and create a relaxing bedtime routine.
  • Get regular dental checkups. Your dentist can check for signs of damage caused by sleep bruxism.

Here is all the information about sleep bruxism, including the causes and how to treat it. This information should help everyone avoid risky behaviors that lead to sleep bruxism. If you are interested in dental checkups, orthodontics, crowns, dentures, or implants, you can come to our Dental Design Center, Pattaya dental clinic. We provide convenient, quick, and safe services to meet the highest satisfaction of our patients.

Dental Design Pattaya – A Comprehensive Dental Clinic with World Class 

  • You can be confident in the service and quality of care with a team of dentists who have studied at institutions both in Thailand and abroad. They have extensive expertise and experience.
  • We are fully equipped with modern treatment tools and technologies that cover all treatments.
  • Create a beautiful smile with orthodontics, as well as improve chewing efficiency.
  • Return the strength to the teeth with root canal treatment, so that it can be used normally.

You can inquire for further information at

sleep bruxism, symptoms of sleep bruxism