Braces and how to handle cavities during treatment?

Braces and how to handle cavities during treatment 1

Braces and how to care cavities while treament? because cavities is the most common problems for people with braces, especially fixed braces. These make cleaning more difficult and may prevent thorough cleaning compared to removable braces that can be taken out when brushing teeth or eating. But what should you do when this problem occurs? This article has the answers.

Causes of caries

Causes of tooth decay

Cavities can be caused by both eating habits and oral hygiene practices. The main cause of cavities is bacteria in dental plaque, which accumulates on tooth enamel and grows by feeding on sugars from food and drinks. Normally, bacteria produce concentrated acid to digest food. But if these acids remain on teeth for too long, they damage the enamel layer, creating white spots on the tooth surface – an early sign of cavity formation.

Signs of cavities

  • Tooth pain or sensitivity, including sharp pain when biting.
  • Holes or pits in the teeth.
  • White, brown, or black spots on the teeth.
  • Bad breath.

Cavity problems during braces

Cavities during orthodontic treatment are common, possibly due to increased difficulty in oral cleaning. If you notice a cavity on any tooth, you should see a dentist immediately to prevent infection and spread to other teeth. For cavities in areas with braces, the orthodontic appliance will be removed before treating the cavity. For cavities in areas without braces, treatment can proceed without removing the orthodontic appliances.

Steps for treating cavities during braces

Steps for treating tooth decay during braces
  1. Remove the archwire and elastic bands on the same arch as the cavity.
  2. Drill or scrape out the decayed area and clean the affected tooth.
  3. Fill the cavity using tooth-colored filling material.
  4. Light-cure the filling material to harden it and polish to match the tooth surface.
  5. Replace the archwire and elastic bands

Preventing cavities during braces

Preventing tooth decay during braces

Oral hygiene is especially important during orthodontic treatment, as cavities and bad breath are common issues.

Maintain oral hygiene

Dentists usually recommend brushing after every meal, along with using mouthwash and dental floss to prevent food particles from getting stuck between teeth or in braces.

Use a orthodontic toothbrushes

These have tapered bristles and a V-shaped groove to clean between teeth and around the gums.

Avoid biting hard or sticky foods

This can damage braces, chip teeth, and cause sticky food to get lodged in braces.

Avoid cavity-causing foods

Avoid foods that promote cavities such as candies, toffees, sugary drinks, sodas, and all types of sweets. These contribute to bacterial growth in the mouth, leading to cavities.

Regular dental visits

Keep your orthodontic adjustment appointments and visit your dentist every 6 months for dental cleanings and cavity checks.


Cavities during braces are common and not a major issue, as they can be treated. For cavities in areas with braces, the appliance will be removed before treatment. For cavities in areas without braces, treatment can proceed immediately. The most important thing is to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent cavities from occurring.

And if you are in Pattaya and looking for dental clinic Pattaya, at Dental Design Center we have dentists who are experts in braces. We can give advice and do all aspects of general dentistry, cosmetic and implant surgery. If you are interested in our services, you can visit or contact us to inquire about promotion on our website.

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